Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sneak Peek

In March at Lucy's Art Emporium some of my newest pieces. Bloom Big 24"x36"

Discover Joy Every Day 20"x20"

You are not alone 16"x20"

Peep 16"x20" And a few more works in progress to add to the collection. Just a sneak peek of a few pieces that will be in my Show A Breathe of Spring.


Gavin Fiorina said...

cool graphic elements in your paintings!

Beth Niquette said...

These are just exquisite. What a lovely lovely artist you are!

Daan said...

wow, found you while looking on another blog and clicked on 'next blog' a the top of the page... love your pictures... i'll be snooping around more often here i think...

alex said...

wow.. they are beautiful... keep sharing..

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Vanessa Kiki Johanning said...

I love your colors and your flowers!~!!! They really are a breath of spring!!! :)

~Vanessa said...

These are awesome your very talented, you will go very far just always keep pursuing your passions and you will make the right choices in life. Peace.