Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Here on the first full day of fall!

I love living in New England and experiencing the change of seasons, but today I find myself feeling a little sad saying goodbye to the warm growing season of summer. The flowers in my garden are still bright and beautiful and the glorious colors of fall are starting to emerge. This past weekend Brian, Buddy(our dog), and I spent the weekend camping in the White Mountains. It was a much needed getaway to spend time emerged in nature. I found myself looking at the natural patterns and colors and thinking of incorporating them into my artwork. We hiked into the Great Gulf Wilderness and my spirit soared as I took in the beautiful mountain views. It is such a delight to see the rolling curves in the horizon.It was great to be there but also good to come home. Being away also makes me appreciate the comfort of home. Feeling happy to see Katie and cherishing her lovely sweet nature.

Yesterday was a full day at the studio working on the pieces that are due next week for my October show and teaching classes in the afternoon. I feel like I am doing a better job at balancing my time for creating my art and teaching. Both are so rewarding and important to me.
I am so fortunate that I am living my dream and have work that I love!

Thanks, appreciation, and love,

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