Monday, October 26, 2009

Creative Spirit Art Studio

Right now this is what I am cherishing at the studio. My easel overflowing with new works in progress. One of my favorite quotes, that I painted on the wall behind my makeshift sink area. My newest completed painting.Having the time and room to spread out and create.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Seeing Our Self

A few weeks ago I was out with friends. I was having a conversation with one very dear friend and she said, in the most positive light, "I don't think you really see yourself." It has stuck with me and has been resonating in my mind. I feel that there is so much truth to her statement. So I am taking time to look deeply and see my self.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Collage Discovery Workshop with Claudine Hellmuth

I feel so fortunate to be living a creative life and carving out a niche in this world that allows me to make a living with my artwork and creative ideas. It is not always easy balancing my time between making art, finding ways to sell it, planning and teaching art classes/ workshops, and taking care of the business end of things. There are many days that I wish I had a clone to help me. What I do feel everyday is that I wouldn't trade it for anything. It is the best to be living out my dreams. A few weeks back, I treated my self to a workshop with Claudine Hellmuth. I was a bit nervous about spending the money as I am still in the start up years of my creative business, but it was so worth it. Claudine is a living inspiration. She has her own studio line of paints, mediums, and other great art materials with Ranger. She is always creating new projects to share on her blog, online classes, and workshops throughout the country. She has (I think) three of her own books in which you can see her passion to create and share what she discovers (she has also contributed to many other books and magazines.) As a teacher she was fun, knowledgeable, and very approachable. I was thrilled to learn a few new mixed medium techniques and really appreciated her taking the time to answer a few questions about the business end of the creative life. Thank you Claudine for living your dream and letting the world know that it is no longer just a playing field for men out in the artworld. With hard work and determination the artistic women can achieve greatness and recognition too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A perfect fall weekend in New England

Umm.... I am feeling so refreshed. It was an ideal fall weekend. Time spent hiking with Brian and Buddy. Gorgeous views from the top of the mountain. Lots of laughter when Buddy found a large mud puddle to cool off in and get a drink. The next day I was off to Maine to visit with my sister. We made it to the last day of apple picking at a farm near her house, then Laurie made delicious apple crisp. Yum, such a treat! The weather today is cold and rainy, but who can complain after such a perfect fall weekend.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Action the First Step

Do you ever get that stirring of change deep down inside yourself? When it feels hard to let go, be patient and wait to see what will unfold. The moments that you feel the energy building within seems as if your body is to small to contain it. You wonder what is happening, where is it coming from, and what will the future bring. It is exciting and scary, leaving you with the impression that there is a force out there that wants us to trust in endless possibilities and recognize our dreams. I believe that it is often triggered by one simple action that wakes something inside that needs to be brought to life. This summer Brian and I took a vacation to Northern Italy. We went to the lakes region, wine region and the Mediterranean coast. The scenery was spectacular and I was thrilled to be on my first European vacation. It was however one of my most difficult journies. I ended up spending many days soul searching, filled with emotions of sadness and confusion. Something on this trip triggered an awakening to the fear inside myself. The fear that I had to act, look, and be a certain way to gain acceptance and please others. Ugh... as I write this now I wonder how did I live 41 years of my life with this kind of mindset. While I also want to give myself a big hug because at the same time it also made me a very caring soul. Then onto a great big "YES, I get it now" and can begin to move forward into a place that I am seeing myself through my own eyes, letting go of the filters, being truer to my needs, and progressing to an authentic understanding of self. So now I am in a place and time of movement, taking steps each day to a deeper understanding. I don't know what is in store, I can just feel that it is going to bring me closeer to my dreams.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life Is A Verb

I bought this book well over a month ago. It was a couple of weeks before school started Kate and I took a trip to our local Barnes and Noble and I was searching for something to help me be focused so that I can carve out more time to nourish my soul. I had remembered reading someones blog post about this book, but as life happens it filtered to the back of my brain. Well the first thing that caught my eye (even before I recognized the title was the cover art, it looked like it belonged it the mixed media art section.

I couldn't help but pick it up, then I saw the title and a glimmer of recognition sparked a memory in my brain. After opening it up to browse through I was sold, the layout is full of fun artwork and pictures. Well it has been sitting on my bookcase, I eye it almost daily. I laid it out so I'll start to read it but it hasn't happened yet. But I have thought about this title. Is Life really a verb? If life is made up of our actions, how would I describe my life and how much do I think about it? Defining my life, my artwork and who I am is something that has never been easy for me to put into words. So it became an interesting exercise to pick verbs to describe my life. Here is my list (it is in no particular order just off the top of my head in 5 minutes): cook, paint, love, share, teach, grow, listen, mother, laugh (not enough), dream, think, plan, shop (too much time spent in art stores- way addicted to looking and searching for new goodies), travel, clean, sleep, eat, socialize, learn,cry, exercise, write, play. This list gives me food for thought. My life is good, I have had my share of hardships, but the blessings far out way them. I am looking forward to diving into this book, waking up, being more mindful, and living life with intention. So if life is a verb, what is your list (5 minutes no censoring) go.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thank You!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who is supporting my sister to reach her goals in her fundraising and 100 mile bicycle ride in the Dempsey Challenge A Journey for Hope. I am so proud of her efforts to help support a cause that is near and dear to our hearts. The two winners from the giveaway are Megan Woodard (mounted print on canvas of Mother, Daughters, Friends) and Corrina Melino (8"x10" print of Believe in Yourself.) Love to all, Caryn and Lisa